Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Oh My God!

I've just got back from my weekly weigh in and I've lost an amazing 8 lbs in a week, bringing my total to one and a half stone in 4 weeks. I know I won't keep this momentum up in the long term, but what a tremendous buzz. Bought some size 12 trousers (no stretch jeans this time) and they fit like a dream. Just told Martin what I'd lost and good god was his reaction. He keeps having fry ups (skinny bloke can get away with it but I reckon it'll catch up with him one day!) He now wants me to go and watch Battle Star Galatica with him. What joy. Tragically I will confess to watching a series of new Star Trek with him and it was fun, but now he thinks I'm as nerdy as him. At least watching it has several advantages, it keeps me away from the kitchen and therefore thinking about food, and it means, no matter how agonising, we spend time 'together'. Might force him to watch a series of Trinny and Susannah and see how dedicated he is to spending time with me then....

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